To complete this application, you will need to have the following files ready for upload:
- Your Resume or CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- The name of the Master Artisan sponsoring you
- Four high-quality .jpg format images of your work for jury
Application Deadline: March 8, 2025
Master Jury Date: April 5, 2025 (Physical artwork must be provided for jury)
The Roycrofters-At-Large welcomes Prospective Artisans
To become a Roycroft Renaissance Artisan, a craftsman must submit pieces of his/her work to a jury comprised of master artisans.
Only artisans whose work exemplifies the following criteria will be awarded the use of the Roycroft Renaissance Mark:
a) High quality of hand craftsmanship
b) Excellence in design
c) Continuous artistic growth
d) Originality of expression
e) Professional recognition
There are two levels of juried craftsmen; the Artisan Level, and the Master Artisan Level. All newly juried artisans will enter at the Artisan Level, and must re-jury annually. To become a Master Artisan, one must jury for 4 consecutive years and be nominated by a current Master Artisan, which must be endorsed by two other Master Artisans. After an Artisan has been endorsed they will be provided a Prospective Master Artisan's Application for the subsequent year. All Master Artisans must re-jury every 5 years. Artisans and Master Artisans will have equal use of the Roycroft Renaissance Mark, and will be offered the opportunity to make one of the patron membership premiums offered each year. All levels of Artisan will be encouraged to show their work in a gallery type setting. All level Artisans may be featured in the RALA Newsletter, with photo and brief resume for promotional use. Master Artisans may also apply for a grant from the RALA board of directors to attend a craft-oriented class or seminar. There is also an Artisan Emeritus designation which, upon approval of the Master Jury and the board of directors, is bestowed upon a current Artisan or Master Artisan who is no longer able to physically produce his/her craft, yet still is considered by peers to be a Roycroft Artisan in word and spirit.