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The Double R Mark, called the "Roycroft Renaissance Mark," has been used by the Roycrofters-At-Large Association, Inc. (RALA) since the 1970's.  This mark is a valuable trademark, and RALA limits use of the trademark to Artisans who are members of RALA and whose work is approved by the jury of Roycroft Master Artisans.  Such Artisans may use the mark only on work in the media category in which they have been approved for one year, provided that all pieces bearing the mark are in keeping with RALA's standards, i.e., the high standard of quality workmanship that Elbert Hubbard set for the original Roycrofters.  Except as otherwise expressly authorized by RALA in writing, all other uses of the mark are prohibited.  By completing an application to become a Roycroft Artisan, you acknowledge RALA's rights in its valuable trademark, and you agree not use the trademark except as expressly permitted by RALA and in accordance with RALA's standards.  If you should fail to abide by these rules, you agree that, upon written notice from RALA terminating your membership and/or Artisan approval, you will cease all use of the mark. You further agree: not to contest the validity of RALA's rights to the mark; not to do or cause to be done any act or thing that may in any way adversely affect RALA's rights to the mark or any registrations therefor; not to use the mark or Roycroft name or any confusingly similar mark/name as part of your business name or upon your work; and upon RALA's request, to use the following trademark ownership legend - "The Roycroft Renaissance Mark is a trademark of Roycrofters-At-Large Association, Inc. used under license." - on brochures, web pages, product hang tags, and other product-related materials, wherever possible. 


Artisans agree to uphold the standards and ideals of the organization throughout their tenure as members

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